Chunky Sized Sassy Rain Shower Bath Ball
This unique Sassy Rain Shower Bath Ball allows toddlers to discover the senses with chunky, gripable bumps. Its fascinating spherical form enables the baby to shift from one hand to another for first-hand eye coordination. Discoveries come with hollow orifices that spew in numerous stunningly gorgeous water styles.
Spinning Discovery and Exploration
The Sassy Rain, Shower Bath ball provides a ton of exploration. With spinning portions, infants can have more fantastic discovery and visible exploration into water. Even further, the ball separates into sections considering much more fill and spill bathtub a laugh while offering a simple blank-up and mildew-unfastened garage.
Paths for Vibrant Fun and Development
From spinning portions to hollow configurations, your toddler will love laughing with the Sassy Rain Shower Bath Ball. Learning may also be taken to a new degree as this ever-engaging bathtub toy assists in keeping your infant entertained and energized. Perfect for developing tactile wisdom, visible tracking, and hand-eye coordination!
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